Cable Management for the Office And Home
For office-workers, there’s nothing more irritating than dangling cables under a desk, or a computer coming unplugged in the middle of an important email by accidentally pulling on it with your foot. Above all, managing cables in the office and at home is essential to preventing any issues around health and safety, with the possibility of tripping over any loose cables not worth the risk.
Cable ports are designed to tidy up the hole in a desk that is often needed to feed plugs and cables through. These are usually aluminium finished to work with any colour and material of desk system.
Our Cable Hole Tidy range includes square, circular and rectangular options in a variety of high end finishes as well as the eco-range, designed to be both affordable and executive.
BESTSELLER 1: Hugely popular with those looking for both an office or home solution, our brushed nickel cable port includes our brush feature to ensure that your wires and cabling remain in place, as well as a stylish colour and smooth finish. Now available for just £3.60, the brushed nickel offers excellent value for a cable management solution.