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4 Ways To Upcycle Furniture To Suit Your Home

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4 Ways To Upcycle Furniture To Suit Your Home

Upcycling gives a new, modern lease of life to old, dated furniture. Whether it’s adding a personal touch to your current table or starting from a bit of old wood found in the garden, upcycling is the new in thing!

From the small details such as a lick of paint or some new table legs to starting completely from scratch, anyone can do it. Upcycling is about using your imagination – the possibilities are endless.


How To:

  1.  You could give a whole new cool Art Deco vibe to your living space using chalk paint in different shades and geometric patterns.
  1. Again, using paint why not create a fun, toy friendly space? Let the imagination of your little ones run wild. You could even create a writeable-erasable chalkboard surface to allow unlimited possibilities – one day a racetrack the next a fair kingdom who knows?
credit: Shelby King
  1. For a funkier approach you could have an animal print centre piece to your living area. You could do this with a sticky back vinyl or for a more homemade feel you could turn it into a decoupage project and get the whole family involved.
credit: danford.vintage
  1. Or if you already love your space but just simply fancy a change why not swap out the legs? Here a customer of ours has used some of our hairpin legs to create a lovely retro feel into the home. Here Andrew has turned an old drawer into a fab little side table. 



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